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Docker Configuration

A Job's docker container configuration is specified using a 'docker' map.

The YAML syntax mirrors the Docker Configuration in the Dynamic SDK; see the Docker Configuration Guide for details. The following elements can be specified:

  • image: mandatory name of the Docker image to use when running this Job.
  • shell: optional shell to use to run commands inside the docker container.
  • pull: optional docker pull strategy; possible values are "default", "never", "always" or "if-not-exists".
  • basic_auth: optional basic auth credentials for the Docker registry, to use when fetching the Docker image.
  • aws_auth: optional AWS auth credentials for Amazon ECR, to use when fetching the Docker image.

See Authentication for Docker Registries for details of the basic_auth and aws_auth elements.

Authentication for Docker Registries

Basic Authentication to a Docker Registry, or AWS Authentication to Amazon ECR, works in a similar way to the Dynamic SDK; see the Authentication for Docker Registries Guide for more details.

For Basic Authentication a basic_auth map can include the following elements:

  • username: mandatory username to use for authentication; either a string literal or a secret name
  • password: mandatory password, either a string literal or a secret name

For AWS Authentication an aws_auth map can include the following elements:

  • aws_region: optional AWS region (string) to use when authenticating to Amazon ECR
  • aws_access_key_id: mandatory AWS Access Key ID to use when authenticating; either a string literal or a secret name
  • aws_secret_access_key: mandatory AWS Secret Access Key to use when authenticating; either a string literal or a secret name

For the username, password, aws_access_key_id and aws_secret_access_key fields above, Secrets can be used to ensure that the provided information remains secure. For these fields the value can either be a string (for a literal value) or an object containing a from_secret element with a secret name. This is the same syntax as is used for secrets in Environment Variables; see that page for an example.